





Digital Native

Digital Native


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Technology-School Experience

Senin, 15 November 2010

TLL_Mid Term Task By: Yani                 As an assistance teacher in SMAN43 Jakarta for two weeks. I have found some interesting lessons that can be my reflection as a young generation of teacher.  First, let me tell about the background of school...

Not single, but Multiple intelligences

Minggu, 07 November 2010

LTM Class Multiple Intelligences Generally, many people think that the intelligent person is someone who has high intelligence Quotient (IQ). Such as in our reality, many people are more appreciate with student who get the highest score in exam rather than other students. They think that only person who has high IQ can be considered as intelligent people. However, we should not look at intelligence...


Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

PETA Class By: Yani Jakarta, 25th October 2010                                                     ...

Oh my Earth

Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

Environmental Education By: Yani Jakarta, 20th October 2010 For our reflection..:-C Environmental Education is study about environment. In my personally It can make us more aware about the environments’ problems. In my EE class. I was impressed with the videos that were showed to us. One of them is Video Clip of Katosbagaskara&Nugie’s...

Persahabatan & Kebudayaan

Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010

Humanistic Studies By:Yani Jakarta, 19th October 2010 Persahabatan… Satu ikatan merajut kebersamaan dalam perbedaan.. Identitas dan kebudayaan. Latar belakang dan mungkin sejarah hidup yang berbeda disatukan dibawah rasa cinta dan toleransi. Membentuk kesempurnaan atas perbedaan, bersama dalam suka berbagi air mata. Memandang bukan dengan sebelah mata karena kita hidup.. berpijak di bumi yang sama…. “yn” Banyak hal yang...
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