





Digital Native

Digital Native


A Story Edu Study Education Environment Movie Poetry Technology

Takagi Fujimaru and Kaju Otoya

Rabu, 26 September 2012

Bloody Monday It is a good oriented Japan action film that is very recommended to be watched. It is all about action, how something can be happened because of reasons, it is all about sacrifice,trust,struggle, love, friendship, sincerity, integrity, dilemma, feeling, great ability,logical math, and much more surprises that will make us always keep watching. It...

Cool Vs Songong

Minggu, 23 September 2012

Persepsi atau sebuah pandangan terhadap karakter, appearance, atau kepribadian seseorang itu relatif. That makes everyone has different opinion in looking at. Then, inilah persepsiku terhadap seseorang yang 'Cool'. Kenapa harus 'Cool' tema dari tulisan ini,. Yap, karena makhluk 'cool' lah yang selama ini menarik perhatianku. Bahkan menulis tema inipun,...


Sabtu, 22 September 2012

Bang Alitt dibukunya Skripshit ini mengajarkanku arti kebahagian. Bagaimana menyikapi pilihan, menghargai diri sendiri, membahagiakan diri, persahabatan, perjuangan, penghormatan, menghormati sebuah keputusan (beserta konsekuensinya tentunya, dan selalu berbaik sangka kepada Allah dan mensyukuri hidup. Tapi... Buku ini sangat berbahaya untuk dibaca didepan...


Sabtu, 22 September 2012

I like something 'unyu' but (still) unique. It is like my previous blog template. Then what's up next? I was trying to look for another templates, a detail photography template was I found. Then Edit HTML, save n click... For me, it was unique but it seemed a little bit mess. Then, I planed to apply my previous template. D*mn, I forgot to save its HTML....
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