Eneng: "Did you tell her that you would stay there for two night?
Onyon: No, I didn't
Eneng: She was waiting for you to tell
Onyon: Even she didn't ask me, text me, she didn't so
Eneng: dont' you feel that?
Onyon: Fell what?
Eneng: she worried a lot about you.
Onyon: what? she?
Eneng: Yes, she is
I was impressed when somebody's telling me that she worried about me, she whose eyes cannot be read. I found her being a cool as cold as ice when I got home late at that night. I was wondering but she kept being silent, therefore I did so.
she definitely worried me but I did not realize that I made her worried, I agree that it was annoying, haha (Upz)^^
Gomenasai, I didn't mean to make she worried, I was just think that I'm alright but I did not ever think there would be someone worries me a lot.
She is my cool friend, the one who actually I love, but dont know to say, how to tell, hard to show.
Arigatou for being my friend, Cepichan, my 'O'. ^^ (nyengir)
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hard to tell with any words, hard to show..
29 Oktober 2012 pukul 22.04but its definitely felt =)
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