





Digital Native

Digital Native



Senin, 04 Juli 2011

...."Hanya diri sendiri..yang tak mungkin orang lain kan mengerti"...(Last child-song)

Eeemm...those words are very powerful I think, you know what, knowing ourselves is very important to deal with that. We want to be happy but we do not know what make us happy. We try not to do something that makes us uncomfortable but we do not know how to deal with that. How come?? (asking to myself).

Me? actually there are lots experiences that force me to believe what my heart says. (And now, I truly believe it..:-). Many time I often ignore something that whisper to my ear although I know that is truly from the deep of my heart but  see..
The result. I regret again,,again,,and over again.

Ok..Let's back to our topic. Have we known ourselves as deep as well? Eeemm..we will get the answer  by asking our hearts.  Can we just spent our time while lay in our bad maybe, to go backing our mind, to reflect what did actually we do? who we are, because just ourselves can know that. other people may not know us as well.

Let's know our happiness, and then we pursuit that. what else we are looking for in this world, except the happiness. And For me the happiness itself is a comfortable feeling. (waahh..I know myself, right..:-D)..
How about yours then?



Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

After passing the final examination in last semester, I would have a long holiday that I had missed it so much. Why? Because I could come back to my hometown. Holiday for me is not only  time to run away from the routine assignments but it is also the time to gather with my family, especially my younger sister.

I remembered that she could not walk yet when I went to Jakarta in the previous holiday.  She was one year old at that time.  However, I was surprise when I saw her last time. She was able to run and call me “ayuk”. (How happy I am!) A lot of things that I have done with my younger sister in the last holiday. 
As an older sister, it is a happiness when I can see her grow up. ^

It's Time to STOP Discrimination

Jumat, 07 Januari 2011

 We are different but it does not meant we have to be distinguished.
I think you have known about discrimination.
Based on dictionary, Discrimination is a term used often in human rights law to distinguish the differential treatment of an individual because of a prohibited ground.
Why does discrimination still happen? Have you been discriminated by someone or community?

A simple example that I think still happen in my surrounding is about friendship. Many people still distinguish friend. In a friendship, they still give different treatment to someone who has different background, religion, color, gender or culture.  Is it right way? may we can reflect it and it is begun from every individual's awareness. It's time to STOP discrimination

 I think we have to watch the video below. this video will open our eyes to tell us that nothing reason to do discrimination anymore.



Six Thinking Hats

Kamis, 06 Januari 2011

 Realize or not, we often think or look at something from one of sides. for instance, we get the big problem in our life. we often think negatively, or just let it flow without try to find out the solution, or we blame someone without reflect on ourselves. Otherwise, when we look at something, we should think from all sides. we should use six thinking hats b y Dr. Edward de Bono. 
what are six thinking hats? let's learn together..:-)

 The Red Hat

Intuitive: look at something based on their feeling in heart. Someone who thinks something with the read hat they will analyze it by listening to their heart.


 The White Hat

Informative:  Someone who thinks something with the white hat they will analyze it by looking for the data about that. They will collect the valid sources or information first before they judge something.

The Yellow Hat

Constructive: Someone who thinks something with the yellow hat they will analyze it by thinking positively. They will look at something, such as disaster from the positive sides. The yellow hat also called the sunshine hat because it always builds the positives point of view.

The Black Hat

Cautious: the opposite of yellow hat. This is caution hat.  Someone who thinks something with the black hat they will analyze it by thinking negatively.  They always look at something from bad sides, such as, think too much about the risk and disadvantage. However, this hat is good in particular times.

The Green Hat
CreativeSomeone who thinks something with the green hat they will analyze it by thinking creatively. They usually give the best idea and new solution that are not thought by other people. They do not stick with one thing. They can grow and development an idea.

The Blue Hat
ReflectiveSomeone who thinks something with the blue hat they will analyze it by doing reflection. Such as,  how can I do it better?
What mistakes did I make?
What did I learn from this? 
This hat also organizes all the others hat to think about something.

Now, we have known about six thinking hat. may we can apply them in our thinking. So, when we look at something we will use all the thinking hats. :-)
image from: Stien Matakupan's Power Point

Si Kancil Nyidam Timun

Here, I want to show you that this story tells about mouse dear steal cucumber from point of view Orang-orangan ladang. I think, this story is familiar, however it will be different if we use different point of view. It is like when we look at something with six thinking hats. yaa I think, this story is spesial edition to remind us to think somehing from all sides or point of views.
This is the story...:-)

Senja itu, matahari sebentar lagi pulang keperaduannya. Terdengar rintihan manja orang-orangan ladang (OOL) dari kebun pak tani. “ huh, sungguh letih hari ini, matahari senantiasa tersenyum manis kepadaku. Capek uei, tiap hari kerja jadi satpam di kebun pak tani”.
Meski begitu OOL tak pernah menyesali nasipnya, dia tulus melakukan itu untuk membantu pak tani yang senantiasa merawat baju dan topinya. OOL berjanji akan menjaga kebun pak tani, karena OOL tak tega melihat pak tani sedih, terlebih meneteskan airmata ketika melihat hasil panenya habis digondol kancil beberapa bulan yang lalu.

            Itu berawal ketika matahari berada diatas kepala, panas sekali. Ketika itu OOL melihat seekor kancil yang sedang hamil muda dan ditinggal mati oleh suaminya, nampaknya kancil itu nyidam pengen makan yang seger-seger. Dari kejauhan OOL melihat kancil itu terus memandang kearahnya. “aduh, kuharap kancil itu segera pergi setelah melihat tatapan ku yang menakutkan ini”, ujar OOL dalam hati. Oh, ternyata kancil itu justru semakin mendekat dengan  hati-hati dan penuh hasyrat melihat timun-timun itu. huh, apa yang bisa aku lakukan, kakiku kram, aku tak bisa mengusir kancil itu” teriak OOL dalam hati.  Akhirnya, OOL hanya bisa melihat penuh ketidakrelaan ketika kancil itu dengan rakusnya memakan semua timun-timun pak tani yang siap untuk dipanen. “dasar kancil rakus, nyidam-nyidam uei tapi jangan merugikan pak tani gitu dong. Coba minta izin untuk meminta beberapa timun ke pak tani, bukanya itu lebih baik”, protes OOL dalam hati.
            Perasaan bersalah menyelimuti OOL, terlebih ketika melihat pak tani marah dan meneteskan airmata. “uuugggghhhhhhh,,andai aku bisa bicara, maafkan aku pak tani tiak bisa menjadi satpam yang baik”, rintih OOL.  Waaa pak tani pintar juga, setelah beberapa hari melakukan observasi ditarik kesimpulan bahwa kancillah dalang dari semuanya.  Pak tani meletakkan rangkaian bunga mawar yang sudah diberi perekat ketangan OOL (itu sebagai jebakan untuk merayu kancil si janda muda yang tengah hamil itu). Pak tani juga mengoleskan perekat kesekujur tubuh OOL. Keesokan harinya, hari dimana sangat dinanti-nantikan oleh OOL untuk membalas sakit hati pak tani. 

Dari kejauhan Nampak kancil datang dengan mata yang berbinar-binar, ia pun semakin mendekat. Kali ini kancil tak langsung tergoda oleh timun-timun itu. Dia lebih tertarik melihat rangkaian bunga ditangan OOL. “asyik, dia menghampiriku”, teriak OOL lirih.

Hai, kamu siapa? Dari kemarin aku melihatmu hanya terdiam disini. Bunga-bunga ini untuk aku ya? Kok diem aja sih?” ucap kancil dengan tersenyum mesra. Karena penasaran kancilpun hendak mengambil rangkaian bunga itu, tapi tiba-tiba tangan kananya tak bisa lepas dari rangkaian bunga mawar itu. Eh, kalau suka bilang aja dong, ngak usah pegang-pegang, dasar cowok kurang ajar, lepasin tanganku!!!” teriak kancil. Karena kesal ia pun menampar OOL tapi tangan kirinya pun tak bisa terlepas . kemudian kancil itu menendang kaki OOS. Sampai akhirnya kancil itu kebingungan karena kedua tangan dan kakinya tidak bisa lepas ari badan OOL. Dalam hati OOS berucap, “hahahahahhaha, makanya jadi kancil jangan rakus dong, kecentilan lagi, hahahhahahha rasain, siapa saja yang menanam kejahatan pasti akan menuai kejahatan pula. Sebaliknya, siapa saja yang menanam kebaikan akan menuai hasil dari kebaikannya pula,hahahhahahahahha” teriak OOL  bahagia.

            Tidak lama dari itu, pak tani yang dari tadi sudah mengamati sikancil dan OOL. Dengan perasaan senang pak tani menangkap dan hendak membawanya pulang. Istrinya pasti senang sekali. Mereka bisa makan daging siang ini. Tiba-tiba “ Tuan, maafkan aku, aku ngaku salah. tolong lepaskan aku ya, kasihani aku tuan. Aku sedang hamil muda. Jika tuan membunuhku berarti tuan juga membunuh anakku yang tak berdosa dan tak tahu apa-apa ini. Kumohon lepaskan aku tuan” iba kancil sambil menangis. Pak tani hanya terdiam, dia tak tega melihat kancil itu. Dalam hati OOL berkata “ iya, ya, kasihan kancil itu. Pak tani lepaskan saja deh, kasihan dia, suaminya sudah meningal dan sekarang dia tengah mengandung”.
Pak tani masih terdiam, kali ini ia menatap kearah OOL. Seolah mengerti apa yang baru saja dikatakan oleh OOL. baiklah kancil, saya akan melepaskanmu, saya tidak tega untuk membunuhmu dan anak yang ada dalam kandunganmu. Saya bisa merasakan kesedihanmu, terlebih sekarang istriku juga sedang hamil tua. Pergilah, dan berjanjilah untuk tidak mengulangi perbuatanmu lagi” ujar pak tani. Oh, terimakasih banyak tuan. Iya saya berjanji akan menjadi kancil yang baik, tidak akan mencuri timun lagi. Terimakasih tuan, terimakasih” jawab kancil sambil berlari menuju hutan.
OOL dan pak tani tersenyum simpul. Dalam hati mereka percaya bahwa tuhan akan bersama-sama orang yang sabar dan suka memaafkan.
By: Yani


Learning Situation

Selasa, 04 Januari 2011

 PETA course

           What comes in your mind when you think about "learning situation". I believe that every single person has different perception about that because we have our own experiences in learning situation.
In PETA course, my lecturer asked me to draw that showed our point of views of learning situation. Yes I know I like so much to show and express what I feel by “coret-coret”. However, I knew that I could not draw well. “What should I draw?” I asked on myself. Eeemmmm unfortunately i did not have much time to think. Write..write..and write..and at that time I just drew and drew. When I drew I thought about my previous time.
I drew two learning situations that were felt by me.
Dara…..this is my drawing….it is not nice but not bad too..:-) hihihihi…

Based on three models of learning, my picture includes in reception and co-construction.
for the top picture includes in reception that in learning situation teacher just delivers the materials and emotional, understanding, and students’ need are not attended.
For the bottom picture includes in co-construction that in learning situation is create or build the knowledge through interaction with others. such as discussing, group work and “lingkaran literatur”

My reflection on that drawing..^_^
See the top picture. Teacher was teaching and delivering the materials. Look at the students, they felt bored and some of them were sleepy. And I was one of the students. “I would be happy when time was up and had a break with my friends.
Waw did teacher felt same as what I felt?
Were they relieved when they have delivered the material, weather students understand or not?
See the bottom picture, how variety she was! She used the variety of teaching method. Let the students build the knowledge and understand by discussing and collaboration with others.
Do you see the differences, do not you!

Based on that and the explanation that I have got in the PETA class in 3 meeting. There will be lots definition and criteria about learning situation and how is the way to create a good learning situation. However I have my own point of view, a good learning situation is when students feel comfortable to learn, get the enthusiasm from teacher that can act not only be a teacher but also as be friend that can feel what the students’ feel and attend the students’ understanding and relate the materials with real life. so no one will ask in his/her self “what I have got in school that can be applied in my life later?”

Still be a Problem (Limited Technology)

Senin, 03 Januari 2011

Jakarta, 2nd October 2010

In Technology and language learning course, I watched a video n read the article about using technology in teaching. it’s right that technology is very important in this era. technology can helps both of teachers and students to create an interesting atmosphere in classroom. However do we realize that there are still many schools that not use technology? The students have not been introduced about technology in their learning at schools.

Based on my experience, unfortunately, from elementary till senior high school, i have not found yet a teacher that used technology in his/her teaching. even though in ICT lesson, we just studied about the theory and just got opportunity to use computers twice a month, and one computer for 2 or 3 students. that happened because the limited of facilitates.
Can you imagine it? do just teachers and students in big cities that can apply their teaching and learning by using technologies? how about the schools in villages that get the less attention from government? I believe that there are still “yani yani yang lain” that do not have opportunities to use technologies such as computer in their schools.
So, by this blog,… I hope we can share to give the best solution……^


 What is your views about those pictures?
Do you realize about the technologies’ development?

Do you remember when we will send massages to keep in touch with our   families, or friends?

Are you familiar with them?
They are very popular in this era, aren’t they!
How about some years later?
Are they still popular, or maybe there will be some new technologies?

Technologies develop very fast, we are as “digital native” have to know and utilize them as well as possible. According to Wikipedia A digital native is a person who was born after the general implementation of digital technology. As a result, they have familiarized with digital technology such as computers, the Internet, mobile phones and MP3s over their whole lives. How about “digital immigrant”. A digital immigrant is an individual who was born before the existence of digital technology and adopted it to some extent later. However they have to aware with technologies.
So, which one are you in?
I am a teacher candidate and I will teach my students in 4 years later. I’m a digital native and I have to explore more about using technologies in teaching and learning. Wow how about my students in the future? I believe that technologies will be more advance. It is possible that my students are more expect to use technologies than me. Always keep learning then. ^


Script Writer and Making A Script


I think, you are familiar with scriptwriter in the drama. Who is scriptwriter? Yes, exactly, scriptwriter is people who prepare or make a script. 
        In all cases, scriptwriters must be able to imagine the effect of their words when they are spoken in a production. It is not enough that the words look good on paper. They have to be able to express ideas clearly, create believable characters, and develop a compelling story.

Making a Script in the Drama

Talk about drama, not just think about the performance on the stage. However there are processes that we have to prepare before perform. For instance, make a script. Script is a written version of a play and it used in preparing for a performance.

What do you think about how to make a great script in your drama? Is it complicated? Oh course NOT if we want to try it.
However, do not worry guys; here some instructions to guide you in making a script in the drama. I took it from

1. Create compelling characters. They should be three-dimensional people, with positive and negative attributes, complex feelings, beliefs and thoughts. The characters must have needs, wants and goals.

2. Put regular people in extraordinary situations. Although there are some exceptions, most of the time people want to be able to relate to the characters. It is enthralling for people to see themselves in unusual circumstances.

3. Write believable dialogue. Dialogue must be natural from the character saying it, and relevant to the situation. Every word counts, and must reveal much about the character and the scene.

4. Have a well-thought plot, and subplot. The elements of a good story such as the goal of the character, the obstacles the character must overcome to achieve, the climax and the denouement must be included. At least one subplot including less important characters in a simpler story needs to be used.

5. Include action in the script. Action must also be believable and relevant to the scene. If no dialogue is happening, some sort of action should be.

6. Edit and revise many times. Have the script read aloud. Ask for outside opinions. Change the script until every second of the action and every word spoken works.

I think, script is one of foundation to perform drama. How can we perform if we do not prepare about what is story that we will deliver to the audiences. So, do your best on your own script guys!


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