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Still be a Problem (Limited Technology)

Senin, 03 Januari 2011

Jakarta, 2nd October 2010

In Technology and language learning course, I watched a video n read the article about using technology in teaching. it’s right that technology is very important in this era. technology can helps both of teachers and students to create an interesting atmosphere in classroom. However do we realize that there are still many schools that not use technology? The students have not been introduced about technology in their learning at schools.

Based on my experience, unfortunately, from elementary till senior high school, i have not found yet a teacher that used technology in his/her teaching. even though in ICT lesson, we just studied about the theory and just got opportunity to use computers twice a month, and one computer for 2 or 3 students. that happened because the limited of facilitates.
Can you imagine it? do just teachers and students in big cities that can apply their teaching and learning by using technologies? how about the schools in villages that get the less attention from government? I believe that there are still “yani yani yang lain” that do not have opportunities to use technologies such as computer in their schools.
So, by this blog,… I hope we can share to give the best solution……^


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