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Six Thinking Hats

Kamis, 06 Januari 2011

 Realize or not, we often think or look at something from one of sides. for instance, we get the big problem in our life. we often think negatively, or just let it flow without try to find out the solution, or we blame someone without reflect on ourselves. Otherwise, when we look at something, we should think from all sides. we should use six thinking hats b y Dr. Edward de Bono. 
what are six thinking hats? let's learn together..:-)

 The Red Hat

Intuitive: look at something based on their feeling in heart. Someone who thinks something with the read hat they will analyze it by listening to their heart.


 The White Hat

Informative:  Someone who thinks something with the white hat they will analyze it by looking for the data about that. They will collect the valid sources or information first before they judge something.

The Yellow Hat

Constructive: Someone who thinks something with the yellow hat they will analyze it by thinking positively. They will look at something, such as disaster from the positive sides. The yellow hat also called the sunshine hat because it always builds the positives point of view.

The Black Hat

Cautious: the opposite of yellow hat. This is caution hat.  Someone who thinks something with the black hat they will analyze it by thinking negatively.  They always look at something from bad sides, such as, think too much about the risk and disadvantage. However, this hat is good in particular times.

The Green Hat
CreativeSomeone who thinks something with the green hat they will analyze it by thinking creatively. They usually give the best idea and new solution that are not thought by other people. They do not stick with one thing. They can grow and development an idea.

The Blue Hat
ReflectiveSomeone who thinks something with the blue hat they will analyze it by doing reflection. Such as,  how can I do it better?
What mistakes did I make?
What did I learn from this? 
This hat also organizes all the others hat to think about something.

Now, we have known about six thinking hat. may we can apply them in our thinking. So, when we look at something we will use all the thinking hats. :-)
image from: Stien Matakupan's Power Point


kiswanto mengatakan...

yani, actually, six thinking hats method is really help us to think for many point of view, the principle is just like a role playing. i think we can apply it in the future for our teaching to discuss about some crucial issues like in humanistic course.

so far, how this method help you to understand some issues,yan?

6 Januari 2011 pukul 21.56
Yani mengatakan...

Thank you for your comment kiss..yes,,you're right. this is a good method that we have to apply in our teaching. actually, I got more information about six hats from my EE course. so far, this method helps me to think "globally" (jiah nyinggung dikit your campaign..hehehe. I meant that by using six thinking hats, I don't directly judge something or someone from one point of view. Hope we can really apply them in every single our thinking and action..:-)

6 Januari 2011 pukul 22.07
zona iklim mengatakan...

yani this topic is the most favorite lesson that i was learn in EE because . base on we study six thinking head we can be a goob person who has different persfective to value something..
i wanna ask u what color do you like, i mean the most favorite color becase here. as i see there is not violet on heheheh ;)

6 Januari 2011 pukul 22.48
Yani mengatakan...

thank you Iik..yes I agree with you,, this topic gives many lesson for us. eemmm unfortunately, nothing violet here..hehehehhe.. for me, it is not like or not, but we have to consider all of our thinking hats. however I'm more prefer Blue hat that always reflect and this hat also organize all the hats to think. how about you Iik?

6 Januari 2011 pukul 23.27
Anonim mengatakan...

hello Yani,
those six thinking hats are really interesting, especially for me. mmmm not only just interesting, it is also important to be recognized and implemented in the daily.
Anyway, I like your blog, so shiny :-0.

7 Januari 2011 pukul 00.40
Yani mengatakan...

so do I diyah...that is very important but sometime we do not use all the thinking hat.. may we can more better in every single time in our life. eeemm thank you for your comments dopey...:-)

7 Januari 2011 pukul 04.39
Anonim mengatakan...

With this 6 thinking hat we can think something from many sides and perception. It is very good for the teacher in facing students. For example when the teacher face the strange student who always fails in test, use these hat to decide wise decision.

9 Januari 2011 pukul 00.30
Yani mengatakan...

A Good point of view Een..and hope we belongs to teacher who look at students with all six thinking hats..:-)

9 Januari 2011 pukul 00.48
Anonim mengatakan...

oh Yani
why u just posted it after we got this assignment from EE course???
but Yani
it's really helpful for me to think critically about an issue
if we just look a case from only one hat kan ga bener juga tuh

9 Januari 2011 pukul 01.31
Yani mengatakan...

salam meeeooowww....yap...hopefuly unie we can be fair to an issue by look at it from many point of views...:-)

9 Januari 2011 pukul 02.27
Unknown mengatakan...

wuaahh,, I really love ur post,,, this is great post,,
Actually I have implemented those six hats when I did my environmental studies assignments.. and I feel the advantages of it.. I can look problems deeper.. ist's really useful.. ^0^

9 Januari 2011 pukul 05.16
Yani mengatakan...

Thank you do I, and I hope we can maintain that..amin:-)

9 Januari 2011 pukul 05.45
Medianggie mengatakan...

wah wah ,, ni saya Like . this is blog.
apik tenan ,, ceritane , pkokke.. uuuaaapppiikkkk pppiissaaannn eeeeuuuyyy,,, maneh teh geulis pisan ,, ,heh,e,h,eh, mokaseh yo ,nuryani . by , anggie bya,,he,h,eh, jl.Lintas Timur km 135 , Tugumulyo , Lempuing , Oki , palembang ,, Sum-sel

6 Februari 2011 pukul 11.12

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