





Digital Native

Digital Native


A Story Edu Study Education Environment Movie Poetry Technology


Senin, 03 Januari 2011

 What is your views about those pictures?
Do you realize about the technologies’ development?

Do you remember when we will send massages to keep in touch with our   families, or friends?

Are you familiar with them?
They are very popular in this era, aren’t they!
How about some years later?
Are they still popular, or maybe there will be some new technologies?

Technologies develop very fast, we are as “digital native” have to know and utilize them as well as possible. According to Wikipedia A digital native is a person who was born after the general implementation of digital technology. As a result, they have familiarized with digital technology such as computers, the Internet, mobile phones and MP3s over their whole lives. How about “digital immigrant”. A digital immigrant is an individual who was born before the existence of digital technology and adopted it to some extent later. However they have to aware with technologies.
So, which one are you in?
I am a teacher candidate and I will teach my students in 4 years later. I’m a digital native and I have to explore more about using technologies in teaching and learning. Wow how about my students in the future? I believe that technologies will be more advance. It is possible that my students are more expect to use technologies than me. Always keep learning then. ^



Anonim mengatakan...

As teacher, we have to keep up date the technology because there is possibility that the the technology we learn and use nowadays will be out of date in the time we teach later. what do you think abou it Yan?

9 Januari 2011 pukul 00.54
Yani mengatakan...

oh course Endang, we have to up date technology in our teaching. I think we have to try up date technology, for example, let's say the popular technology nowadays is facebook. It will encourage our students to be more enthusiasm in learning by technology. however it may be change for the future, so as a teacher we have to follow the development of technology...:-)

10 Januari 2011 pukul 23.27

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