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Learning Situation

Selasa, 04 Januari 2011

 PETA course

           What comes in your mind when you think about "learning situation". I believe that every single person has different perception about that because we have our own experiences in learning situation.
In PETA course, my lecturer asked me to draw that showed our point of views of learning situation. Yes I know I like so much to show and express what I feel by “coret-coret”. However, I knew that I could not draw well. “What should I draw?” I asked on myself. Eeemmmm unfortunately i did not have much time to think. Write..write..and write..and at that time I just drew and drew. When I drew I thought about my previous time.
I drew two learning situations that were felt by me.
Dara…..this is my drawing….it is not nice but not bad too..:-) hihihihi…

Based on three models of learning, my picture includes in reception and co-construction.
for the top picture includes in reception that in learning situation teacher just delivers the materials and emotional, understanding, and students’ need are not attended.
For the bottom picture includes in co-construction that in learning situation is create or build the knowledge through interaction with others. such as discussing, group work and “lingkaran literatur”

My reflection on that drawing..^_^
See the top picture. Teacher was teaching and delivering the materials. Look at the students, they felt bored and some of them were sleepy. And I was one of the students. “I would be happy when time was up and had a break with my friends.
Waw did teacher felt same as what I felt?
Were they relieved when they have delivered the material, weather students understand or not?
See the bottom picture, how variety she was! She used the variety of teaching method. Let the students build the knowledge and understand by discussing and collaboration with others.
Do you see the differences, do not you!

Based on that and the explanation that I have got in the PETA class in 3 meeting. There will be lots definition and criteria about learning situation and how is the way to create a good learning situation. However I have my own point of view, a good learning situation is when students feel comfortable to learn, get the enthusiasm from teacher that can act not only be a teacher but also as be friend that can feel what the students’ feel and attend the students’ understanding and relate the materials with real life. so no one will ask in his/her self “what I have got in school that can be applied in my life later?”


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