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Digital Native


Takagi Fujimaru and Kaju Otoya

Rabu, 26 September 2012

Bloody Monday

It is a good oriented Japan action film that is very recommended to be watched. It is all about action, how something can be happened because of reasons, it is all about sacrifice,trust,struggle, love, friendship, sincerity, integrity, dilemma, feeling, great ability,logical math, and much more surprises that will make us always keep watching.

It is completely impressing Japan film. The one who gives the most precious impression is Takagi Fujuimaru's friendship. Fujimaru is a second grade high school students who has a great ability as a super hacker. Because of his ability, he is commissioned by Public Security Investigation Bureau to find out the truth of an incident happened in far-distant city of Tokyo.

The one who notice about it is Koju Otoya. He is one of Fujimaru's best friends. Although Fujimaru keeps all secret and he makes something looks like alright. But Otoya knows that Fujimaru is in danger area and otoya always comes to give hands to save Fujimaru. Both of them always keep protecting.

Fujimaru and Otoya,. that friendship is supposed to do, isn't it! Aaaah, I really impressed with their friendship.

^"I will never leave Fujimaru, I will not let him fight alone" Said Otoya when some friends tend to make a distance with Fujimaru to save their own life.

They do not want one of them involved to a danger area. Both of Fujimaru and Otoya prefer to overcome the problem alone. Fujimaru does not want to bring Otoya into danger area, So do Otoya. However, at the end,.. they know that togetherness will make them stronger. Then, they promise to always keep gathering.

^'Heh, don't touch him" said Fujimaru When someone point out a gun to Otoya's face. Fujimaru is spontaneously protect Otoya from terrorist.

^"You don't believe in me, do you!" said Otoya. It hurts Otoya heart when Otoya is accused as a spy of terrorist but Fujimaru seems doubt to him. However, Fujimaru tries to not listen to what other people say, When everyone feels doubt to Otoya, Fujimaru belives in Otoya. That's friendship is supposed to do, right!

^Fujimaru with his ability try to stop nuclear bomb that is done by terrorist. All Public Security forbid Fujimaru to do it alone, he should wait until public security comes. Otherwise there is no time left. Fujimaru tries to ignore what they says, except Otoya.

Otoya begs Fujimaru to not do it alone. Otoya is the one who worries alot about Fujimaru's safety. Fujimaru said "please believe in me, I'll make sure that I will not die".

When, it seems that there is no hope, Otoya stiil believe that Fujiamru will come back, Otoya belive in Fujimaru that Fujimaru will hold his promise.

There is such kind oh happiness for Otoya which is find out Fujimaru's alright. Both of them always keep protecting, praying, giving hope, trusting, and never leaving although no one tend to stay. That friendship's supposed to do, right!

Pictures: Monday.

Cool Vs Songong

Minggu, 23 September 2012

Persepsi atau sebuah pandangan terhadap karakter, appearance, atau kepribadian seseorang itu relatif. That makes everyone has different opinion in looking at. Then, inilah persepsiku terhadap seseorang yang 'Cool'.

Kenapa harus 'Cool' tema dari tulisan ini,. Yap, karena makhluk 'cool' lah yang selama ini menarik perhatianku. Bahkan menulis tema inipun, tak terlepas karena rasa penasaranku tentang kenapa being a cool person itu sangat bisa memberikan pesona tersendiri. Searching and visiting other blog, Yes I did it. Ah, ternyata banyak yang suka juga dengan karakter 'cool'. Ada yang bilang cool itu ganteng, pakai jam tangan, pendiem, sedikit cuek,berpakaian rapi, dan nananana banyak persepsi lagi lainnya. Fine, there are various accepted answers if we ask about perception, right?!

Tapi bagiku, seseorang yang 'cool' itu (Ok, dalam hal ini cowok cool ya)
^Caring, tapi punya cara sendiri untuk menunjukkan kepeduliannya
^misterius tapi punya komitmen
^Tidak gampangan, tapi bukan berarti cuek
^Bawaannya tenang
^easy going
^Jaga penampilan, bukan berarti zaim
^Tinggi, rambut sedikit gondrong, alis tebal (Hahhaha, nggak-nggak, yang inimah akunya aja yang iseng :-P)
Cowok yang kayak gitu tu, pesonanya bisa menarik perhatianku. The one who needs time to fall in love with girls..Until he finds a right girl.

In other side, ada nih sifat yang nggak Ngenyamanin hati, pikiran dan hidup ini..Hahahaha. unfortunetly, I have to deal with such kind of person. Well, that's life. Aku bilangnya 'Songong' Tapi dia bilangnya 'Cool'.

Cool --> Stay COOL but Sok Cool --> Songong

Songong itu:
^Nggak caring, cuek
Tapi si 'Songong' beranggapan bahwa 'cool' itu cuek, stay cool itu nggak friendly, penutup, dan susah perhatian.

Misteriusnya tapi 'abstrak'. Misal, we send a sms, then he never reply it. or ngilang aja, nggak suka ngasih kabar. That's Songong. For me, misteriusnya seseorang yang 'cool' itu nggak gampangan buka-bukaan cerita, talk less do more, nggak mudah ngeluh disembarang tempat, nggak nyusahin orang, nggak buat orang lain khawatir dan punya komitmen.

Hahaha ketenangan disini maksudnya, over tenangnya. Kasusnya nih, terlihat tenang ketika belum mengerjakan tugas kantor, tapi khawatir, terlihat terburu-buru, sundrak-sundruk, ceroboh, panik, moody, dan ngimbas ke yang lain kalau sudah mepet-mepet waktu atau tugasnya belum kelar. He says 'It's cool' Alright, I'll say that's Songong.

Once again, It's life! We deal with such kind of those characteristics. Learn from them, just take a positive side of them and leave the negative one...
^ Jakarta, 23 September 2012, When I try to be a better person (always and everyday)


Sabtu, 22 September 2012

Bang Alitt dibukunya Skripshit ini mengajarkanku arti kebahagian. Bagaimana menyikapi pilihan, menghargai diri sendiri, membahagiakan diri, persahabatan, perjuangan, penghormatan, menghormati sebuah keputusan (beserta konsekuensinya tentunya, dan selalu berbaik sangka kepada Allah dan mensyukuri hidup.

Tapi... Buku ini sangat berbahaya untuk dibaca didepan umum!!! Nggak bakal bisa diem deh, sampai sakit ini pipi karena keseringan ketawa. Memang Buku ini sangat bisa menghibur bagi yang sedang mengGalau.

"Apa sih Yan, seru amat ketawanya?" kata salah satu temanku "Lucu tau Kis, nih kalau nggak percaya, coba deh kamu baca beberapa halaman saja.

Beberapa detik membaca, nggak ada reaksi. Dan yang tadinya aku nggak galau, kini pun menggalau. "Jangan-jangan cuman aku aja yang nganggapnya lucu. Eh nggak lama dari itu, dia ketawa, dan itu awal dari semuanya, ketawa dan terus sering ketawa.

Hahahhahaha.. 'iya ya,. seru..seru, gokil" katanya. Dan dia pun ngantri pengen minjem buku, dan setelah dia, zahra, ayu, Nice, Pepeng, Supri, dan Yudis pun ikut dalam daftar nama orang yang ngantri mau pinjem buku Skripshit.

Review; -Bukunya sangat menghibur, Bang alitt bisa membuat pembaca ketawa, namun sisi meaningfulnya tetep kerasa. Alur ceritanya jelas, dan ceritanya mahasiswa banget dah pokoknya.

^Pesan buat teman-teman, dan juga aku nih yang sekarang lagi sibuk membuat instrumen skripsi. Back up semua file skripsi ke email, USB, DVD, komputer temen atau kemanakah itu. Because who knows what will happen next, right?! Nah dibuku skripshit ini ni diceritakan bagaimana 'tragisnya' nasip skripsi bang Alitt waktu itu.

Nah ada satu kalimat handalannya Bang Alit tuh kalau mau ngeles, "Dari pada lulus tetap waktu, lebih baik lulus diwaktu yang tepat, right" gkgkgkk.,

Seperti kata bang Alit, Jika kita dihadapkan oleh dua pilihan yang sama-sama sulit untuk dipilih. Maka kita harus membuat pilihan ketiga yang bisa kita lakukan.Pilihan yang membuat kita bagahia, dan bukan pilihan yang salah. Nah, aku jadi kepikiran jawaban dari 'ngelesnya' bang Alit nih.. "Bagaimana jika lulus tepat waktu adalah waktu yang tepat?! Skripsi --> SkripShit --> SkripSweet.
Well, semester ini aku memilih untuk menyelesaikan skripsiku. Skripsi oh dirimu ya..

For me: There are some words that should be underlined from that book,
^Break the rules and follow your heart -@poconggg-
^There is no something happens without a reason
'Hidup ini bagai skripsi..banyak bab dan revisi yang harus dilewati. Tapi akan selalu berakhir indah...bagi mereka yang pantang menyerah" ^^


I like something 'unyu' but (still) unique. It is like my previous blog template.

Then what's up next?

I was trying to look for another templates, a detail photography template was I found. Then Edit HTML, save n click...
For me, it was unique but it seemed a little bit mess. Then, I planed to apply my previous template.

D*mn, I forgot to save its HTML. As the result, it could not be re-changed anymore. Yes the template was replaced by another one and the gadgets went on as well.

We learn from a mistake, don't we!?. Therefore, it is recommended for you guys to:
^Save the html template that you like (portfolio)
^click 'preview' before choosing 'save'
^if it is ok
^Then, click save

Finally, I found the other template. Yeah It is simple but elegant and unique. It is like what you are looking at now. Nananana..:-P
And here a precious link that helps you to download elegant templates for free.
Enjoy blogging. ^
+ Get This Widget
